Solved: Xhorse VVDI Wired Remote Battery Discharge Fast

Xhorse VVDI Wired Remote Battery Discharge Fast

Problem: Few of my Xhorse Wired Remote batteries are discharging fast in 2-3 days. Is it normal?

Key model: XKB501EN 3 Button Key, XKB508EN 2 Button Key.

Battery model: Panasonic CR2032

Xhorse VVDI Wired Remote Battery Discharge Fast

Xhorse VVDI Wired Remote Battery Discharge Fast

Xhorse VVDI Wired Remote Battery Discharge Fast

Xhorse VVDI Wired Remote Battery Discharge Fast



  1. Open key shell to take out circuit board;
  2. Remove the marked resistance on circuit board backside.

Note: Workable for 2-buttons or 3 buttons keys.

Xhorse VVDI Wired Remote Battery Discharge Fast

Xhorse VVDI Wired Remote Battery Discharge Fast


In this way, battery won’t discharge quickly again.

Thanks a lot, problem was solved.


Technical support:

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